*Hemocare (50x3 T.)

Stuhltest -nicht lieferbar mehr- Alternative: HIT 308-23895490 oder UTM 010L210 Pal. = 288 Pack
CAR 005031
PZN (Pharmacy Central Number)
Product CAR 005031 is not on sale any more and cannot be purchased. In case of a replacement article please refer to the product name where you will find a reference to the new article.
der Stuhltest zum Nachweis von okkultem Blut im Stuhl, KV-zugelassen, für die Krebsvorsorge, Dreifelder-Test mit hoher Sensivität
More Information
Manufacturer Care Diagnostica GmbH
PZN (Pharmacy Central Number) 07152262
Packaging Unit 1
Qty Unit Packung